

...His visits become increasingly frequent and only seems to destabilize her further and her sister, Fujioka Fujie, decides to intervene and sits Hide down for a talk. In which Fujie says that Hide needs to stop visiting Tsubasa and assures him that she will always be there for her sister should the worse happen. Hide doesn't listen...



she sat me down
in lieu
of plans
of rendevouz with you

expressed concerns
of my interest in loving you

"what is your deal, you crazy man?
is it obsession or true love as we know it?"

"i dont know sister of my love
can you tell me?
what this is?
coz im too far in it to know
anymore, why are you asking?
why are you asking?"

so she told me
that you cried just recently
over me

now i feel bad
but all i can say to her
was how i felt, selfishly

"trust that my intentions are pure as i know
i dont to hurt her in any way or capacity?"

"well i dont know hanabishi-kun
what to do either
i love my sister too more so than you
i would imagine, i would imagine"

"that this is all just something that is not appropriate now
dont push a square peg to a round hole
i know you love her and i believe that you want to help
but i want you to leave her alone
she needs her space, like she always has
she needs to figure this out on her own
do what she will, i will always be with her whatever happens dont you worry
oh my god yr not listening,
i guess what love'll do to you...
hanabishi-kun! hanabishi-kun!"

"oh i blanked out there for a while
im sorry what were you saying just now?"

"just that this love comes with many risks as you know
i know yr really deaf, just get this through your head"

"that i dont know what'll happen
tween the two of you, that is up to you
but know that sometimes
intentions arent enough
i would know"

"thank you, thank you, fujioka-san"

"no that wasnt a exactly blessing you idiot."


[lterary bibliography]

7. Reed, Adam. "Training Day." Archer. Prod. Matt Thompson. FX. FX, 14 Jan. 2010. Television.




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