All Too Platonic 2: Electric Boogaloo

from thirty​-​four minutes with hide and tsubasa by Shorthand Phonetics

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    "All Too Platonic 2: Electric Boogaloo" is the second track is the opener of Shorthand Phonetics' 5th album "thirty-four minutes with hide and tsubasa".
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what's wrong? why hesitate on this?
a chance of a lifetime
ok im hyperbolizing again
but hear me out
i know you think that yr just fine
why settle there? why settle?
when you can have so much more
than you limit yr self to be
at least you need another set of eyes
more objective than yr own on yourself
and i can be those sets of eyes
observing when yr on the verge of demise
oh havent i done enough to win your trust?
your trust
what do you want from me?
what's wrong? why hesitate on this?
a chance of a lifetime
ok im hyperbolizing again
but hear me out
i know you think that yr just fine
why settle there? why settle?
you say you like yr self alone
yr anxiety betrays you words
i'm not selling a miracle cure
just a possibility that you haven't tried
what are you afraid of?
why cant you be a little bit brave?
to be honest i am a little scared
this confidence i'm faking it
it's totally fake but...
with you it can become real
or at least that's what i believe
i need you to do this fr me
probably more than other way around
you must be extremely uncomfortable right now
im sorry
but the heart wants what it wants
the heart wants what it wants
and its not like yr attracted to some other guy
why not take this one and try it out?
yr not telling me anything i can use
yr not giving me a reason to give up
so why should i give up?
tell me...


from thirty​-​four minutes with hide and tsubasa, released August 10, 2010
Track by A. Ashari



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